Hey You!

My Ideal reader…… That is a hard concept. Honestly when I joined word press and had this grand idea to start a blog, I was three bong rips in, and opening a bottle of pinot (nior). I had this romantic idea of me sitting on my back porch pouring my seemingly infinite wisdom into the void. The next morning, when the smoke cleared, all confidence was gone. I wrote a few things, but left them as drafts in a word document for over a year! I still sat on the porch and pondered the meaning of life, or went on rants about politics, religion or anything else I could form an opinion on, but I never wrote anything down. I would just sit and ponder.

When the new year came around I decided I would finish things that I started so I revisited the idea of this blog. Still never thinking anyone would ever read it. With this assignment, I was forced to really think about who I am talking to, out there in the unknown of the internet. I realized I really am writing to anyone and no one. My original concept was to just unload all this “Stuff” in my brain and make some room so to speak.

To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.

-Kurt Vonnegut

So who am I writing to…..

I am writing to anyone that thrives on individuality. I am writing to anyone that lives the “normal” day  to day life, but still has grand thoughts and ideas.To the moms who wipe butts all day but still have the desire to have deep thought provoking conversations. To the sarcastic smart ass people that see the irony in every day life.To the quiet girl that needs to know that she is not alone in this beautifully imperfect world.To the cannabis smoking population that quietly enjoys the benefits of toking up, but feels the judgement of others.  The bloggers and thinkers. The people that feel the need to be creative and interact with other thinkers and writers. Those who thrive on learning from the experiences and perspectives of others in different cultures and parts of the world. Basically I am writing to YOU!

5 thoughts on “Hey You!

  1. Hi Jane,
    You write so beautifully! I can relate to writing the ‘drafts’. I had a few recipes on my blog but was so afraid to go public for quite some time saying …maybe I should write some more recipes before I go public etc..
    Keep on writing!

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